World Flying Community Off-Topic Discussion (Part 3)

It’s 100% not that. Why even think of that?

Five‏‏‎ ‎

Why is five four characters but four is four characters

@KGJT-9149 lives in Colorado, he’s an expert.

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lmao the teacher internet died and now class zoom is chaos :rofl:

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Memes


what on earth are these people going on about? Did they misclick from the Spirit one?

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Also, @anon94363592 you do model planes correct?

Wow I just saw a Hawaii license plate
Don’t see those everyday


I don’t speak Tagalog

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use google

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Amphibious car??

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Or you know, they shipped it on a boat

That’s a lot of effort just to have your car for a while. I’d say just rent one from the airport Hertz. Or buy a different one and sell the Hawaii one if they moved.

Unless they are going to school out here

Linus tech tips

A ship shipping ship, shipping shipping. ships

I just found a comment on YT…